Henri's berichten over zijn recente activiteiten

Henri's reports on his recent activities

woensdag 24 oktober 2012

Sarsia siphonophora II (B 657)

Sarsia siphonophora (B 657) II 
2012 watercolour 
(ca 55 x 75 cm)
The previous entry showed a detail of the colony building jellyfish species Sarsia siphonophora.

In this blog I present an impression of the complete animal.
This image is of course not true to life: everything (shapes, curls, colours) is exagerated for great effect.

Haeckel, 1879

In Ernst Haeckel's  
Das System der Medusen
(publ.: Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1879)
the real preparatory material is found on Plate 1, figure 4.

woensdag 17 oktober 2012

Sarsia siphonophora

Sarsia siphonophora, detail study. 2012 watercolour (29 x 21.5 cm)

Sarsia siphonophora is another colony building jellyfish species. The study presented here shows a detail.  

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012

Apolemia uvaria (B 201)

The Blaschka glass model 201, portraying Apolemia uvaria, was based on a figure printed in one of Carl Gegenbaur's articles: "Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der Schwimmpolypen (Siphonophoren)", published in: Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Band 5. (pp 285-344. Taf. XVIII, Fig. 1). This journal was published in 1854. His illustration shows a young individual of this siphonophore species. Blaschka copied the image, translated it into glass, and a copy of this model was sold to the University in Liège. This in turn served as  an example for this study in watercolour. 
Apolemia uvaria (B 201), 2012 watercolour (42x29,7 cm)
Go to my blog entry on Praya cymbiformis (B215) to read more on the influence of Gegenbauer on Blaschka glass model making.